The training course aids you to understand the optimization of ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) applications that gives access to data saved in the SAP HANA Database. Our training covers features for unified data modeling and definition with core data services, database-independent programming with open SQL, and simplified control of stored procedures with ABAP – managed database procedures.


  • Insights on ABAP Development Tools 
  • Gain knowledge on Database Independent Code-to-data 
  • Understand SQL and SQLScript Basics for SAP HANA
  • Learn Reading data from a table or view
  • Gain knowledge Sorting and limiting data result sets
  • Understand the concept of detecting and analyzing the performance of your ABAP Database Connectivity (ADBC)
  • Learn how to debug ABAP-Managed Database Procedures
  • Understand how to implement SAP HANA Full-Text Search in ABAP

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